Monday, June 14, 2010

The Chester Upland School District Summer Soap Opera

As reported by the Daily Times today, the number one show to watch this summer will be C.U.S.D. There are a bunch of engaging characters from across the state involved in this drama that ultimately affect a large cast of extras, the students. Let us all stay tuned.
Here's a glimpse from today's script...
A state-appointed board of control that had been overseeing Chester Upland School District finances since 1994 was also given oversight of educational programs with the Education Empowerment Act which expires on June 30th.
To keep the Act going, a controversial Senate Bill 1192 was written that has school performance language that could dissolve districts if they don’t perform. 
In Chester Upland, the empowerment board is beginning a transition process to bring the elected board up to speed.
Over the past several months, elected board President Wanda Mann has asked the empowerment board to put off major decisions concerning the district and to stall bidding on major contracts.
She asked that it put off a number of proposals, but Thornton and the empowerment board said stalling would put the district behind the eight ball. “It would be impossible to have schools opened in a timely way if we don’t sign contracts before July,” said Thornton.
It’s not clear whether the elected board would follow some of the long-term plans put in place by the empowerment board, or whether it would decide to shake some things up.
State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland, D-159, of Chester, said he has been in discussions with Gov. Ed Rendell’s office about options to keep the empowerment board in place.
“It’s going to be a sad day when (the empowerment board) leaves, but if the elected board takes over, we hope they will continue on the same path and we’ll work with them,” teachers union President Gloria Zoranski said.
Click HERE for more

1 comment:

  1. Oops. Sorry Anonymous. I hit the wrong button and rejected your comment.
    If you read this story in the paper there is no need to read it again here. There are a lot of readers outside the area who follow this blog who dont get the paper. And there are people like me who only read it online. Sometimes they dont print the stories they put online.
