Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Al & Stro Call 100,000 Absentee Fathers to Action

The Help Her Out Project not only calls on fathers to strengthen their commitment to their children, but also advocates the support of families in need by encouraging members of the community to become a mentor to a child in need or a friend to a struggling single parent. 

Click HERE to read more


  1. I applaud AL and Stro's effort to bring attention to the problems of single parenthood but until we look at all sides of the problem. the moral actions of the man,woman and the family court system. we will be dealing with this same issue for another eighteen years.

  2. So true. I doubt one song can get into all of that in only a couple of mins but I def appreciate the effort. I think the absence of fathers is definitely felt in the Black community especially and I luv that these brothers are speaking about it.

  3. I totally agree, but this problem is so excepted as normal, I think men and women have forgotten that there is a responsibilty for their actions. Al and Stro are really about to remind alot of us of the consequences of taking no responsibility. Thank you Al and Stro.
