Friday, September 27, 2013

Try SCUBA. Orientation Saturday

The Atlantic Rangers Scuba Club is located in Wallingford, PA. and we are members of the National Association of Black Scuba Divers (NABS).  The Youth organization is under The Atlantic Rangers Youth Education Service (ATRA YES). 

Most of our children have never seen a Scuba Diver, let alone a Black one. 

Rangers created the ATRA YES as a platform to enhance the lives of our children through underwater exploration and to also teach conflict resolution skills through diving. 

This program opens a whole new world of possibilities and exposure to water for our youth.  The average cost for a program of this magnitude is about $1500.00.

Join us: Saturday, September 28 & October 19, 2013 at the H. Flectcher Brown Boys & Girls Club, 1601 North Spruce Street, Wilmington, DE from noon to 4pm. 

Jeffery D. Cunningham


  1. mannnnn...this is some SERIOUS fun. i did some 'mock' diving at the swimming pool while attending howard u. i never did go back and get certified. silly me. got a high school friend who's now a doctor, and a former colleague who post pix occasionally of their underwater adventures. probably can't find a rubber suit that can fit me, now. i encourage ANYONE who swims to check this out. it can potentially change your life, especially if you appreciate nature.

  2. I love this great story
