Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Riverfront Ramble?

No, the pic is not from the Ramble
but I heard these guys performed
I don’t know what happened at Chester’s Riverfront Ramble, and that’s probably a good thing. If something had gone wrong, we all would have heard about it by now.

The Daily Times recap focused on the vendors - mostly food vendors. I haven’t heard a peep or seen any footage of the entertainment. I guess you just had to be there.

I happened to be at city council when they approved a handful of resolutions to approve nearly $100,000 for the Ramble, and I’m sure there was more. It seems like a lot of money for a one day party.

I’ve suggested in the past that I’d like to see all the food vendors - and there must be a lot of them - participate in a Food Fest kind of thing. Instead of buying your one meal for the day from a single vendor, have the option to purchase a ticket to try several vendor’s foods for the price of an average meal ($10-12).

Not only will more food vendors be patronized, but I won’t feel guilty walking past my friend’s food stand with a meal purchased from another friend, or stranger. 

Instead of paying tens of thousands for a couple of old acts, combine the money and bring in a headliner. 

Use the event to promote Chester. Do something to bring outsiders to Chester. The way the Ramble is set up, it only attracts Chester folks. Nobody is going to travel to Chester to see War perform.

I wonder if $100,000 could get us Charlie Wilson.

(Consider sending the Chester City Blog an event announcement next year. I’m tired of folks asking me about the Ramble. This audience feels slighted)


  1. when butler did it you were so happy roots your a slave

    1. War was just find, this was for the people of Chester, we have nothing else. so just let it be,

    2. Let It Be!

      I gotta let that sink in before I comment back.

    3. I think the only Ramble I attended was Butler's first one. The headliner was that Chester band that does the Temptations-Four Tops review - I can't remember their name. It was nice to see a day of local talent.

      Butler ramped it all the way up to Johnny Gill last year. The new administration followed suit with Shirley Caesar and WAR this year. What did it gain the city in either case?

      The locals had a nice night out thanks to city government. Great. As the other Anonymous say, "Let it Be".

  2. I saw a banner and knew it was happening???


    1. I saw a banner on 10th and Highland. If I didn't know what the Ramble was, that banner would not have moved me. But it was effective letting me know the when and where.

      I could have copied an announcement from another source, but how did those other sources get the announcement in the first place? At some point the Ramble organizers sent out announcements to certain outlets.

      They did not send one here which implies that you are not important to them if you consider yourself an audience of this blog.

  3. $100k??? "seems like a lot..."??? it IS a lot! considering the financial straits the city is in, i find it curious that a budget of that size is allotted to such a 'hometown event'. dear folks on city council, please take a test in basic, basic math. (((yeah, i wrote it correctly))). you ONLY put out that kind of money if the boost represents more hotel occupancies, restaurant tabs, bar tabs, parking fees, etc. chester has yet to be, and will probably NEVER be a tourist destination. that's OK, so just get in where ya fit in. a feel-good event for the city should be just that, NOT an excuse to drain the city's coffers. city folx, please demand more of your representatives. i would love to see the p&l on this event. is that a possibility?

    1. Damn you. I was just about to sit down and vent, and here you go stealing some of my thunder.

    2. Bullet point brief:

      - $100,000 is a rough estimate. The 2 headliners were over $50k for sure. Stage, lights, sound, security, police, electricity, trash removal, etc., must be considered too.

      - $100,000 is not a lot of money for a party like that. But if the focus is just to entertain Chester folks, let's have 5 $20k events a year.

      - I have no desire to step foot in Trenton. I only go to Trenton to switch trains. Yet, I attended the Trenton Jazz fest 2 years in a row a few years back. From morn to deep into the night, r&b and cool jazz (Kem, Jonatan Butler, PiecesofaDream, Brian Culbertson, Jeffery Osborne, WAR and a lot more).

      We stayed at the hotel right across the street from the outdoor event. We ate breakfast there the next morning.

      We paid 2 days of parking fee.

      - Would anyone from Trenton come to the Ramble and stay at the Widener Best Western and eat breakfast at the new diner where Dawn's was? Would Trenton folks (or any outsider) come to the Ramble and spend money in Chester while they're here?

      - 9/23/11 'Turn the Ramble into a Restaurant Fest'. This aint a new idea.

      - What could happen if the city threw a party for people not from Chester by bringing Bruno Mars or Taylor Swift?

    3. please don't accuse me of stealing. if zeus and thor found out, they'd whup EVERY SQUARE INCH of my hind parts, making me rue the day i was born. i'd prefer a coupla events per year; a mother's day event, and a 'back-to-school' event, which would maximize off-peak bookings and built-in/timely themes. as far as mars, swift and the ilk of katie perry, fantasia, et. al., don't forget the proximity to philly, and the preference of large, covered venues.

  4. Special Blendz. Bill Reed was the drummer. I'm not sure if they still play. They were awesome.

  5. The Ramble was great; Chester might have spent money, however we also raised money. Good job Chester.

    1. Please share how much money was raised. It's always a good time. How do we use this event to improve our image outside of Chester?

  6. roots your are a hater

  7. amazing. not really. "your"??? never underestimate the impact of slavery, and its subsequent slave mentality. pitiful. anonymous, negative internet gangsters should be banned. better yet, maybe they shouldn't. they expose themselves and reveal the root of the problem. it's kinda like my son, when he was six, yes, six y/o, exclaimed after giving a cashier a $5 bill for an ice cream cone, "look, mom. they gave me money back." what i'm getting at, mr./ms. anonymous, is that if you said the city raised money, cite your source. stevie wonder can see the math doesn't add up. got any attendance figures? gate? vendor fees? how much did the police presence cost? setup/cleanup? it's easy to pop off, especially when your claims are unsubstantiated. now, THAT'S hate!

  8. mr mc ass your a slave to mcduffy look in to your last name you have a master who name your people
