Monday, September 30, 2013

Daily Times editor stands by his 'threat'

Phil Heron moves so fast it's hard to keep him in focus
Last week I told you of the threat made by Daily Times Editor Phil Heron to the people of Chester. Today, he used half a page in his paper to make it plain.

Ok, ‘threat’ is probably the wrong word but it makes good headlines. It’s more of an ‘opportunity’ for Chester folks to sit face to face with the the guy who runs the Daily Times. 

Phil Heron watches everything that moves in Delaware County. Through Facebook, he saw some comments about his paper from Chester and he felt the need to respond to them. 

Mr. Heron explains it like this...
A few weeks ago, I was asked to meet with a group of business people who were concerned about the newspaper’s coverage of Chester. They wanted to be sure that we were aware of the good things that are going on in the city. I could not agree more. I am the first to expound upon the positive things going on in Chester, the clear seeds of an economic turnaround that have been planted along the riverfront and are now starting to sprout in other areas of the city as well.
I’m more than willing to meet with them and discuss the city, including the way this newspaper covers it. Name the time and place; I will be there.

1 comment:

  1. Soooooooo......when are self-righteous folx gonna call his 'bluff', create an SRO event where cameras and microphones are there from the ENTIRE tri-state area??? i'lll wait... mr. heron's put his money where his mouth is. chester folx, stand up and be counted!
