Saturday, June 1, 2013

USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship at PPL Park this weekend

I couldn’t secure a press pass, (nobody respects the bloggers). but I’m going to be at PPL Park anyway, bringing you exciting 2013 USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship coverage today and tomorrow, like I always do.

If you’ve never attended one of these events, you are missing one of the most exciting, action packed sports I’ve ever witnessed. 

Last night, I had a chat with a girl’s high school rugby coach from Wisconsin who is here for the event as his team gathered in the hotel that was hosting the N.A.A.C.P. banquet. They drove 17 hours and arrived at 1am, and played at 8am at the University of Pennsylvania in 237 degree heat. 

During our chat, I pointed out Mayor John Linder standing in the lobby, and the coach said, “That’s not the mayor.” After sorting things out, he had only been exposed to Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia. 

Chester has to play a better host for these events. Mayor Nutter shouldn’t be getting all the shine. 

But, when I mentioned Bo Ryan was from Chester, the coaches perked up., 

I still think they believe they’ll be in Philadelphia all weekend. 

Check out this video from last year’s Rugby 7s event. It’s the most watched video on the CCityblogger YouTube channel. 

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