Local folks, particularly the blacks one, chronically complain about the Daily Times. They claim the news is always negative, the coverage isn’t balanced, and Chester folks never have enough Chester stuff to read.
Today I read that a black guy has been stealing the Daily Times by the bundle for at least a week. Since you only need one paper to read, what could he be doing with the rest?
I will take this opportunity to finally confess that I stole a bundle of papers on a snowy morning in Aurora, Colorado in 1998.
About a foot of snow fell in the wee hours of the morning, but by 9 am the sun was shining and the snow was melting. However, the Denver Post couldn’t get their trucks out during the predawn snow so most deliveries weren’t made.
I spotted a bundle in front of a store that obviously didn’t open because of the snow. I saw a few folks also spotted the bundle and took a paper and honestly left the money. I wasn’t so honest.
I took that bundle and stood at the entrance of the strip mall and became an instant Denver Post salesman. Folks nearly crashed into each other trying to get to me since I may have had the only papers on that side of town. Everyone paid extra for their paper and I went home with $65 for less than a half hours work. I didn’t have to run from the cops because three squad cars got their papers from me.
I hope the bad guy stealing the Daily Times don’t think he can use this story in court to justify his actions. He at least needs snow to make it work.
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personal story..answered the question..