Monday, October 29, 2012

The Complex Black Voter

Experts amuse me when they allege they have the black voter figured out. Here's a perfect example of how complex a black voter can be.

These signs are on the lawn of a black home owner. Let's try to figure out what his allegiance is based on these signs.

Dominic Pileggi for State Senate: This voter supports the white male republican incumbent over the black democratic female newcomer. Maybe he prefers whites, males, republicans, incumbents, or all four.

Obama-Biden for President/Vice President: This same voter supports the black democratic incumbent over the white republican newcomer. Maybe he prefers blacks, democrats, incumbents, or all three.

Jay Schiliro for State Representative: This same voter supports the white republican newcomer over the black democratic incumbent. Maybe he prefers whites, republicans, newcomers, or all three.

Can you figure out a pattern on his voting preferences based on his lawn signs?


  1. Great example of the fact that you cannot make too many assumptions. Good post.

  2. He or she votes for the person not the party. That's how everyone shoul vote. He is voting like me.

  3. This is still America. We can vote for who ever we want. Voting does not limit us to a straight democratic or republican ticket.

  4. I agree 100% with the above comments. It makes perfectly good sense to the educated voter who understannds how to split their vote. I choose to vote content and not color. If I so choose I can vote for Obama and Pileggi, both are strong leaders and have proven track records. I refuse to vote straigt party lines if I don't like or believe in a candidate and I also refuse to vote straight party lines based on race. People need to understand that during a General Election you have the option of splitting your vote. Stop falling for the you have to vote straight Democrat or Republican, look at the candidates and choose for yourselves. Whoever put up those signs, I'm with you 100%.

    1. Make sure to make your Presidential choice when you first enter the booth if not it may not count.

  5. Replies
    1. Anonymous 10:02, you are incapable of forming a simple sentence which would lead me to believe you're the slave. Are you even registered to vote? Based on your statement you are
      a true slave to your own mentality. Do yourself and everyone else a favor by reading as that increases your vocabulary, sad you only seem to know three words, I have seen this same response on different posts. I apologize if this is too overwhelming, maybe someone can help you decipher what I just stated.

  6. This is nothing new...most of the black Chester republicans vote democratic for Presidents but Republican on all other titles.

    No matter what watch Kirkland win
    Pat might surprise everyone

  7. that is so true freeman 10/31 742am black republicans in chester are not free look at chester 106 years one master telling black people to vote that way if so slave man would not have to blog this

  8. People really need to look at HISTORY. The KKK ran the DEMOCRATIC party in the early 1900's the Republican party was the party for the AFRICAN AMERICAN. the are some IGNORANT people in this city. SAD, SAD, SAD....

  9. Interesting Anonymous November 1, 2012 6:58 PM. So because a party historically was run by, or supported, one particular group, that should always determine how we vote and why? Parties change, people change, ideologies change. To vote for different individuals - no matter what the race or party - actually shows a more informed voter to me than someone who votes solely based on race or political affiliation. To imply that the people of the City of Chester are too stupid to cast their ballots based on an educated or informed vote is beyond insulting.

    1. I wouldn't be insulted, but all your points are Spot On.

  10. you say that now when republican ran city you were answer to one leader now it is freedom time
