Monday, March 5, 2012

A Weekend for Fathers and Sons

Meeting my son in front of the Garden this weekend

When my son told me he’d be in NYC this weekend, I had to find the time to meet up with him. He lives in Denver so we don’t see each other very often.
On Friday, I drove to Newark, caught the Path to 34th Street, had dinner with my son, and headed back to meet Ike Jones and his sons at the Chester - Lower Merion game at Villanova. I got there right at tip off.
On Saturday, I viewed the dead body of the son of one of my life long friends. 

Warren Moore didn’t have the opportunity to have dinner with his son this weekend or enjoy a high school basketball game with him. 
A bullet has destroyed the bond between another father and son here in Chester. 
Father’s, don’t take the relationship you have with your sons for granted. With these trigger happy kids on the street, take in all the dinners and basketball games you can, while you can.       


  1. Thanks for that parental reminder, Stefan. Lamar was one of my son Donnie's childhood friends - Holidays, vacations, sleep-overs, birthdays- he was a fixture at my house often when they were small. Such promise as seen in his youth, never to see fruition. Words escape me on what we have to do to keep our children alive- the streets have never been as mean as they have been in these last few days in our city. Only God knows how all this will end and how to bring us out of this abyss.
    God bless you, Friend.

  2. Thanks Stefan, loving your children, male or female is most important for any parent. Your children are gifts from God, only God can create life. We should all be proud and take the time to spend as much time as possile with our children. Enjoy every moment and show our children that we love them. Life is much too short to put off until tomorrow to show that we love them and tell them that we love them. Men, let's stand up and shout out to our off springs "I love you!"

