Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chester's Newest Newspaper debuts today

An exciting new paper is making its way around Chester today.

'Overtown Express' steps out with an eight page black & white edition containing important Chester-only news, sports, and stories of community interest, sprinkled with some nice photos to compliment the news.

It appears the publishers have no intentions of sugarcoating their stories as page one details Chester republican and democratic campaign finance sources with a pie chart, emergency management during Irene, and views from flood victims.

In sports, you'll read a Chester High football preview, results of the city softball tournament, and even some Philadelphia Eagles stuff.

A story on the recent police shooting and other anti-violence activity round out the last few pages. But, my favorite part is the Chester focused crossword puzzle on the back page. Whoever finishes it first, let me know.

In my opinion, there is no competition when it comes to bringing information to the community. There is always room for another source of news and views that focuses on Chester exclusively.

If you can't find an issue on the street, check out


  1. Sounds like its just what the doctor ordered . Hope they will consider doing a story on folks that don't live in the city and continue to buy these vacant lots and buildings . A majority of the eyesore properties are from folks that do not live in the city . Don't believe me check the county records .

  2. Stafan this election is going to be FUNNY. Looking at the pie chart and Seeing Ronald Star contribute $10,000.00 then make $7,510.00 back is funny for Palm cards and photos. What is the $6,000.00 going to for election day for State Rep? I just want to know not saying its all going into his pocket but......
    As for the Repub it does not seem to be bad. I think its great that they gave back to the Chester High School Basketball Team and this is the first I have heard of that.
    This is going to be very interesting.

  3. I've been following their site for a while which hasn't changed too much. I'd love to see the paper edition but I won't be in the city for the next couple days.

    Their site could use a little help. OTE, if you're reading this hit me up and I'll give you a hand any way I can.
