Monday, May 23, 2011

Widener University Granted $38,000 to Aid Adult Women Returning to College

CHESTER, Pa. — Widener University has received a $38,000 grant from the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation to provide scholarships in the 2011-12 academic year for mature women students. Through these scholarships, the foundation aims to mitigate some of the financial needs of women approaching degree completion.

The university will award the Newcombe Scholarships to women students 25 years of age or older who demonstrate a financial need. They must be enrolled full- or part-time in baccalaureate degree programs through Widener University and have at least a junior standing. The majority of the women receiving the degree are enrolled in University College, the adult undergraduate college at Widener University, which offers students flexible scheduling with evening, weekend and online courses in their pursuit of associate and bachelor’s degrees.  

Widener was selected to participate in the Newcombe Scholarship program because of its large enrollment of mature women students and its exemplary supportive academic and personal counseling services for these students.

With this most recent award, grants to Widener from the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation since 1981 now total $709,500. The scholarships have helped a diverse group of women, many of whom are raising a family, complete a degree and pursue their career aspirations.

To apply, or for questions regarding the Newcombe Scholarship, please contact Nikki Ritterbeck at 610-499-4282.

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