Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SURVEY RESULTS: If the Crozer Library asks for 67 cents a week from you to stay open...

You would pay 83%
You would not pay 16%
On April 1, I posted Internet Access at Public Libraries, an article that explains why they are so critical to our communities.
On the May 17 primary elections, all that has to happen is that more Chester people vote YES than NO to the only question that will be at the top of the ballot. 

A minuscule tax increase will go in effect that will assure that the Crozer Library will receive dedicated funds to continue to serve the community. Without the funding, the library will struggle to survive.
Based on this survey, it’s a done deal. All you have to do now is VOTE.


  1. crazy.....best way i, a college graduate, from chester has to say....FOR NOW....

  2. Yeah, I would pay, BUT I also want full disclosure around the library's fundraising strategy.

    That is, the Philadelphia libraries just got over two billion dollars in federal money from the Recovery funds. How much did the Chester library get? Did Chester even apply? If not, why not? Did pileggi spare a full time fundraiser for the library to help to raise money for the library?

    I want to know what type if CREATIVE thinking is being done to fund the bloody library.

    Chester has one of the highest poverty rates in PA, so one would think that we would have enough sense to have fundraisers that are hollering at the Gates on the regular for funding of our libraries. Heck Facebook hooked New jersey up with some dough. And University of PA just got a quarter of a billion dollar from one private donor.

    Really, I don't mind giving a dollar a week, but common sense should tell the library that it's not cool to try to get money from poor people.

  3. I wish I got more good comments like this.

    I'll be speaking with the library folks this morning. I'll make sure they answer these questions.
