Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chester Election Results – Behind the Numbers

Number of Voters
Assuming everyone voted for mayor, 2600 voters came out yesterday. (Linder 1446, Butler 897, Lilly 257). That's a very good number of voters based on Chester's past.

Mayor Butler will have to step up his game based on the number of votes Linder amassed last night. And, assuming the Lilly voters will vote for Linder in the fall, the nearly 800 vote primary gap between parties gives the Democrats a lot of momentum going into the fall. But, since Butler ran unopposed in the primary, some folks ignore voting until he's faced with a candidate.

I expect that this November's mayor's race to be highly contested.

City Council
Again, the Republican candidates trailed the two leading Democratic candidates by over 750 votes as each democrat received more votes than each republican. That gap will be difficult to close by November.

Based on those numbers , I'd be surprised to see a Republican take either of the City Council seats in the fall.

Rep: Garner 696, Woodland 568
Dem: Nichols 1115, Williams 901

School Director
Wanda Mann was in the top 5 on both tickets so she gets a pass in November. Congrats.

Otherwise, the next four largest vote getters were democrats (Warren, Richardson, McClairen, Johnson) with the closest republican being nearly 150 votes behind for the 4th spot.

Could likely be a clean sweep in November for the Democrats to fill the remaining seats.

Magisterial District Judge
Congrats to Judge Seaton for winning another term as district judge.

For the other district, Davis vs Blythe may be the closest race come this fall. They both appeared on both tickets with Blythe winning by only 12 votes on the republican ticket and Davis winning by over 130 votes on the democratic ticket. Yet, Blythe on the republican ticket had only 3 more total votes than Davis on the Democratic ticket.

Why did so few people vote for the Chester District Judges? The highest vote getter was Seaton with only 373 votes. The judges for Superior Court, Commonwealth Court, and Court of Commonplease received a lot more votes than the judges that sit in downtown Chester. How does an Allegheny County Superior Court Judge get 950 votes out of Chester?

Crozer Library Referendum
A surprising 1200 people voted for the Crozer Library referendum with about 75% voting in favor.

I'll credit their social media campaign to get the word out through The Chester City Blog, and from distributing the YouTube video I did for them through Facebook.

What's Next?
I'm going to keep the Election '11 page up on The Chester City blog. Neither party took advantage of the free and wide reaching exposure of that page. At least the Democrats provided their endorsed list of candidates.

I won't beg either party to submit information, but it's there for you to list articles, platforms, videos or whatever you'd like for the many people who look there daily for your information (based on the blog traffic stats).

I feel bad that there's nothing there, but not every organization has embraced the social media phenomenon yet.

They'll learn!


  1. And here you have it:

    "I feel bad that there's nothing there, but not every organization has embraced the social media phenomenon yet."

    They ain't ready.

    They still have no idea what a great boost the Internet can be. They saw it work for Obama, but they still don't get it.

    Or maybe they think most ppl who live in Chester don't have computers. I don't know. Hey! I just thought of something, maybe if you use a widget to post your site's statistics they'll understand that social media is a good vehicle for them to use. *shrugs* I don't know.

    Thanks for the results by the way. I looked for them on the daily times yesterday but couldn't find them.

  2. Traditionally, Chester takes a long time to publish results. Now that the Daily Times prints in Exton, their deadline is much earlier which is why they probably missed the Chester results.

    With electronic voting machines and only 2600 votes, you'd think the results would be avaiable 1 minute after the polls close.

  3. This just proves that the people in our fair city still don't get how important voting is 2600 out of 36000 people...yes half is children but that is still a lot of adults not voting....I vote so I can speak out, and will continue to speak out and post to social networks and remind people to vote!!! Stephan keep up the good work with the articles and the way you keep us informed and I will keep reposting to Facebook....Let's hope the fair wheather voters come out in November. *fingers crossed* Now let's see the canidates promote themselves, and maybe this time when they knock on my door to solicite my vote for themselves they will be more willing to tell me what they are planning to do to better my city...not just ask for my vote and tell me who is on the ticket with them. #justsayin.

  4. The choices in Chester are so poor no wonder people don't come out to vote.
