Friday, April 1, 2011

You May be Eligible for Food Stamps

There are many families in Delaware County that cannot afford to sufficiently provide a healthy and nutritious diet for their children.  There are also many seniors that cannot make ends meet anymore during these difficult financial times.  

They often do not realize, especially families that are working, that they may be eligible for Food Stamps, also now known as Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).    

The Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. (CAADC) continues to help these families through the Food Stamp Participation Project.  The program annually helps over 700 families register for assistance.  
The Project is an outreach program to assist low-income individuals and families in understanding and applying for participation in the Food Stamp Program.  

Eligible applicants do not even need to go into the Welfare Office to apply but can do it through CAADC’s program.  Many people who would be eligible for the Food Stamp Program do not apply because they believe that they have to be on Welfare to be receiving Food Stamps or because they do not want to use paper Food Stamps at a grocery store.  

However, participants do not have to be receiving Welfare benefits to be eligible.  In addition, participants now use a card similar to a bank ATM card instead of paper stamps.
Edward T. Coleman, Chief Executive Officer of CAADC, stated, “Many families pay so much towards rent, utility costs and gas that they can’t afford a healthy and plentiful diet.  Food Stamps can help them reach this vital goal for themselves and their children.”
For a confidential screening to find out if you qualify please call Marilyn Sileo at 
610-874-8451, ext. 1015.  Ms. Sileo is also available to speak to community groups about the program. 

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