Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fed Up with Drunken White Moms

This headline certainly caught my eye when it came through the email a few weeks ago. I just got around to reading it yesterday and posted it here to get your take on the article. As we have reluctantly concluded as Delcotimes online content providers...'It all comes down to race eventually.'

by Kimberly Seals Allers

It probably comes as no surprise that I'm constantly amazed by the double standards that cut across racial lines in the parenting world. For some time, it's been really bothering me (no, really!) that a large and still-growing group of white women has built a successful blogging and publishing platform and branding niche around parenting while drunk (or at least very tipsy). 
Now, don't get me wrong: I love humor and caustic wit as much as the next mom who doesn't take herself (or parenting) way too seriously. I get it. I also totally love my evening glass of wine as much as the next stressed-out mom. (As my children know, when Mommy has her "special cup," stay away for a few minutes.) But a black woman would never be able to write a book promoting the virtues of PWD (Parenting While Drunk), or even close to it.
Click HERE to read entire article on