Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Chester City Council to vote on Covanta expansion today?

Please show up at Chester City Hall if you can... in case the vote on the Covanta's NYC Trash-by-Train plan is actually on the city council agenda.  An article in yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer indicated that there would be a final vote this week.  The regularly-schedule meeting would be 10am this Wednesday, August 13.

This is a surprise to us, since there was no notice and we were under the impression that city council was going to respect the requests not to make the decision at one of their 10am meetings (every other meeting is at 7pm), and that they'd wait until they researched the issue and heard both sides, including our groups' presentation, which only two of five council members have seen so far (though they got to hear Covanta's side).

If you can show up, please urge them to hold off on the vote until they hold a public meeting on this issue, as they promised, and have a final vote on an evening meeting with plenty of notice -- AFTER all council members and the mayor have a chance to see our presentation.

Click HERE for the Inquirer article.

The article is very confused.  It pretends that there is a split in the community and that "many" residents who once opposed the incinerator now support the incinerator's current NYC trash-by-train scheme.  In fact, it's only Rev. Strand (who hasn't lived in Chester for many years), who has been taking the Covanta incinerator's money since 2006 (Click HERE for details) and is speaking in favor of it.  All of the other Chester residents who have packed city hall twice last month on this issue, are adamantly opposed to it.

Mike Ewall


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