Saturday, October 12, 2013

Juvenile Justice doesn’t apply around here

In the past few weeks we’ve seen justice served to teen boys who beat up a kid in the school library and teen girls who beat up a lady in the street. In both cases, there was no doubt that the correct villains were sentenced because they broadcasted their crime on social media for all to see their vile acts of violence. 

I still have a problem with all the teens being tried as adults.

When a teen commits any crime, they should be served through the juvenile justice system. It should have to be decided in court if the nature of the crime and the maturity of the teen warrants the more severe charges as an adult, not the other way around. 

Why did all these teens have to be held as adults in adult facilities for months while the courts argue if they should be charged as juveniles?

I saw a ruling this month where the judge said that the teen would not have enough time in the juvenile system for it to have any benefit to him because of his age. Yet, the kid sat in an adult jail for a year before that decision was made. Why couldn’t the teen have spent that year in juvenile detention receiving whatever services teens receive instead of rotting as an adult?

What’s the point of having a juvenile justice system when the judges and attorneys get to use their unchallengable discretion deciding who gets to participate in it or not when they are initially charged?

No one wants to see criminals get away with committing a crime. However, it appears to me that young black and hispanic teens routinely and automatically bypass the juvenile justice system, enter pleas, and are branded with felonies without ever having the opportunity to receive the services other kids their age receive from the juvenile justice system.


  1. Stefan you are so right about that. I myself wonder why this seems to be only happening in Delaware County. I moved here from another state and some of the things I read about as far as the justice system in Delaware County would never happen to juveniles where I previously lived....SMH

    1. I don't know if I'm right or wrong but I know most people around here don't agree. Based on past comments, folks want to see young people charged as adults.

  2. Stefan, maybe I should have said that some things these young kids do may require them being charged as an adult. Anyone who breaks the law or committs a crime should be held accountable, but some things just seem unfair. I,ve read some of the things the people post and they can be mean , cruel, and very hurtful but trust me if it were their child I'm sure they would feel differently.

    1. I still contend that depending on the crime, the age, and the maturity of the criminal, some should be charged as an adult. But not right off the bat.
