Friday, May 17, 2013

The School Bus Ride from Hell goes on every day

"I have to tune this out every day."

People are shocked at what they saw and heard on the Upper Darby school bus video. But, as one of the students on the bus says, “I have to tune this out every day.”

That’s right, EVERY DAY! And it’s not just an Upper Darby thing.

Here is another example of why we need to give kids cell phones with video cameras. More and more, it is giving people the real inside view of what our kids go through in school, on the streets, and now, on the school bus. 

We need more video, not less. We need to see more of this activity, not less. People have to see more of this kind of behavior to realize just how challenging school can be for students and staff. 

Schools do a good job of keeping most issues internal. But with cameras, kids will tell on themselves.

I watched the entire video. I’ve seen and heard it all before. Now it’s your turn. 

What you gonna do?


  1. All of those children should be banned from riding the school bus for an entire year. If the parent is inconvenienced, then they'll surely do something about that behavior. The 7-year-old needs a Madea experience "tehdatassup"!

    1. You just put a bus driver and his aid out of work

    2. bad reply........

    3. Oh? So you believe an inconvenieced parent can change a child's behavior? You think all jobs will let parents get off early or come in late cause they got bad kids? You think a parent can find someone else to pick up their kids?. You think a cross dreaaimg man is the experience that will change a child?You just want to get rid of the bus all together?
      And that's a good reply?
