Friday, May 24, 2013

PODCAST: Interview on Stop-And-Frisk resembles a heavyweight fight

Here’s another reason why Michel Martin of NPR’s Tell Me More is my favorite interviewer as she speaks with Heidi Grossman, the lead attorney who defended the New York City police department during the 10 week Stop-And-Frisk trial. 

With my money on Martin, she furiously delivered stinging jabs in the early rounds of the battle. But, Grossman, well trained for such encounters, absorbed each blow with convincing retorts which were hard to argue.

But, in the late rounds, Martin found Grossman’s weakness and wasted no time attacking her with upper cuts of verbal acuity. Grossman was noticeably wounded as she fumbled and stumbled reaching for the ropes. 

When the final bell rung, they both showed professional sportswomenship and left the decision up the judges - the listeners.

Click HERE to listen

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