Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chester Business Association Biz Card Exchange

Richard 'Tut' Carter (R) talking trash with Chester's J&K Trash Removal

Chester Spirit Publisher Paul Bennett (seated) acting like he enjoys social media when a weekly paper will do

Guest speaker Tatiana Bacchus from Entrepreneur Works talking Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and HootSuite

The faces of the Chester Business Association

Chester's Bryn Mawr Trust Company was the perfect host

Tatiana giving1-on-1 social media smart phone instruction

Francis G. Pileggi, Sr. holding court telling tall tales of Chester past

Francis G. Pileggi, Sr. is one of the most charming old dudes you'd ever want to listen to

1 comment:

  1. rootsa here yo go this men has suck blood from dumb ass slave ass people in chester
