Monday, April 1, 2013

Former Chester Police Chief Demoted Again?

Another shake up in the Chester police force may be brewing as rumor has it Darren Alston has been demoted again.

If the rumors are true, the former police chief has been reduced in rank 3 times in the past 15 months. If he’s doing that bad of a job, could being fired be far away?

Have you ever been demoted on your job?


  1. Chester residents are getting JUST what they ask for nothing getting done in gov. spending money on law suits and themselfs. DUMB ASS DEMS AT IT AGAIN. good things are coming to ALSTON his money. the funny thing is NONE of them are tax payers!!!PAY UP DUMB DEMS

  2. can someone ask linder to take a picture without the glasses damm

  3. Everyone know Darren and how much he care about the city , I guess when you question the mayor and police chief you det demoted . The Mayor keeps a lame duck police chief on staff who cares nothing at all about our city .

    1. what!!!!!! Then why did he get rid of the Narcotics unit when he became Chief. The city did not have one since about 2010. so if thats caring for your city, i hate to see if he did not care.

    2. The police department still had a unit handling narcotics offenses. The unit went under a different name, the Anti-Crime Unit. Know your facts before you speak!!!

    3. Trust have alot more information to put out that is fact .

  4. Sad to say...All three who were demoted actually LIVE in the City while raising their families. Can't say the same for the newly promoted. It's a kick in the throat. It's hard to love a city, that won't love you back. Thank you Alston, Gretsky, and Archacki! The ones that care always get F*cked!!!

    1. I did not know 1500 Townsend St. was chester

  5. Anybody else think it's funny that they are going after Darren Alston maybe it's just me . When you are doing right you get done wrong .

  6. Everyone who voted for John Linder because he is a nice guy look at what you got, he has no ideal how to run a city , check his record at the charter school he ran!!!! PS we still have three more years of the crap.

    1. a movie was similar....the good,,the bad,,, the ugly...

  7. I'm totally confused by the changes myself. It has been so much drama with this administration, it's unreal. At least the Repubs kept there drama in the "house."

  8. is this what we call reporting. why is there no reason asked about or reported for these actions by the mayor and the cheif bail. I guess Mr roots is a fraid of the corrupt gangsters that now hold office in chester.

    1. Nope. This is not reporting. It's blogging. The professional reporters work for the newspapers. And yup, I'm scared as hell which is why I stay in my lane. But, feel free to report what you like and send it here. I'll be happy to post it.

  9. darren alston,john gretsky, and robert archacki are good police officers!!.

    otis blair and james collins are good men!!!

    the top group was picked by mayor butler.

    the bottom group was picked by mayor joseph bail!!!


  10. I totally agree with the first comment! This city is getting EXACTLY what they asked for! I rallied for Butler and the Republicans because I knew what was in store! I'm glad everyone else can see it for themselves now! Too bad it's too late!

  11. how can a cop be put out on a disability when some takes pictures of said cop with his bowling league bowling three perfect games. city does not care

  12. Glad my house is up for sale. Just hope whoever buys it doesn't do their homework on our city. I have better luck setting it on fire. Linder is a dumb ***.

  13. A state of emergency, unsolved homocides cases, A city known for violence. However, because Darren is demoted and a shake up in the police dept and the world stops. Chester needed a shake up, the police department has been a mess for years. Linder removes guns off the street without a gun buy back program, if guns were removed after a gun buy back program, it could not have been during his administration because he has not had one. If you refer back to previous articles in the newspaper Butler Claimed the guns were melted down. I the republicans did a good job of not dealing with issues and giving away the entire city and the residents did not have enough heart to stand up to the adminstration out of fear!!! The police department needed a shake up and they got one!!! Clean out the entire department, residents want a safe community!!!

  14. PS lame duck that does not care, previous adminstration sold waterfront land, gave away a failing school system that they caused, did not collect taxes,the list goes onand it's amazing that the republicans took care of the few in the store while giving the mall away. Yes they agreed with each other !!!! While everyone else suffered!!! I would rather stand for something then to fall for everything!!! Clean out the house Linder, clean out the house!!!

    1. I just saying ok if your going to clean out the house then start from the top . I guess you are right the changes are happening so fast I can't see it Bail is doing a wonderful job with crime . Darren was terrible police chief and now we are going to see a big difference with the changes going on . One of the worst cop in the city has a top spot .

    2. The mayor should give the reason why he is making these changes and as I say before it starts from the top . I know for a fact that these officers was trying to set up meeting with the mayor and was not getting any response .

    3. the mayor should explain why commissioner bail said he wanted the transfers to take place...

  15. How does loyal republican get workers compensation via the school district and lift heavy things at Chester High. I guess both paties have crooks!!!!!

  16. The Mayor can not give a reason to the public because it would be a personnel union and become a union fight!!!!

  17. The mayor can not give a reason due to personnel, just because hiring and termination is discussed by names in resolutions you can't disclose certain information. In addition, Darren and the Mayor are in ligation, therefore he can't comment.

  18. Chester dems are full of crap!!!!!! Linder has cost the city sooo much money. Just because someone got demoted does not mean they won't get there same pay. Now you have six people getting paid top dollar. Did you see the letter Darren wrote to the mayor? The mayor did nothing. Bail called Gretzsy and said stop investigating a crime Bail was possibly involved in. A cop feel out in the police station was taken to Crozer had a blood test and cocaine was in his system. Nothing happens. But the city Dems will say Butler or the republicans did it. Be accountable for your actions, Linder stop blaming Butler remember you were on his staff you had a voice. Linder is acting like he can do whatever he wants. All of his council wa not in support of this. The legal office even stated that they don't know if what he has done is right. But you want to support him. Just because your black you don't have to be democrat. Darren needs to go to the national NAACP. We need to think about WHAT'S RIGHT not WHO we LIKE

    1. Darren should if he chooses, it was not right that police officers used the same address under the Butler adminstration to!!! Lets get real, the republicans were not this perfect adminstration. I will wait to see how this turns out!!!! If cocaine was in someone's system, they should be held accountable.

    2. People need to do there homework including legal to see what form the city falls in. The answer is right there!!!

    3. Why do people bring up Butler. Darren lives in the city, Grezty lives in the city. Otis does not and neither does James Collins. But we keep bringing up Butler. He has been gone for over a year. Now we live in the Ghost of Butler.

    4. Why do you keep calling out Butler. If Linder had a problem with people using addresses he should have changed that, but he also allowed people to obtain a CITY job while living in New Jersey
      "SUMMER IN THE CITY". Linder has been worst than Butler, remember Whitney White who he gave $150,000.00 to who does not live in the city nor was he from the city... that was way more than the previous CEDA director who was on the job for 5 plus years.

  19. third class city look it up home rule charter

    1. That's a great excuse to do what you want Linder

  20. More like Delco in the City!!! Land sold Harrahs the Stadium, land stole Deshong Park!!! Whitney was cheap compared to the above mentioned. Those in glass cities should not throw stones. Lets not pretend that everyone in the former administration resided in Chester!!!! Also each third city has a organizational form!!!

  21. Darren is a good cop.... I am a cop in the city and I am white, sucks to say that but maybe people will listen. It's all about politics..... He had his run sucks to be demoted but he will continue to be a good cop.... And he will make more money, even though you don't get in this job for money because trust me it's not. Darren be the cop you are and Semper Fi

  22. Since I don't known my facts , I can tell you this next election the city will see a change in government . One more fact for you I know police chief let a gun dealer in the evidence run , I wonder how many defense attorneys love to get their hands on that information Mr. facts .
