Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ceremony Honoring African Americans "Making A Change"

Aaron Mathis- Community Leader  
Ieasa Nichols- Health Commisioner
Ryan Pettiford- Coach, Mentor     
Keiria Doward-Founder of R.E.A.C.T
Joe Benson- Brothers of Concern   
Nicole Cogdell- Community Activist
Evan.Thelma Green-Activist
Jamila Shareef- Activist                    
Micheal Hurst- Accountant Role Model
Cephas Jahid Richardson-"Making A Change" Mentee
Hosted By: Cory Long      
Special Guest; Judge Dawn Vann, Radio-0ne's DJ TouchTone
Pastor Calvin Williams, Elder Simone Crump, Gospel Disciple's & more.                                

Friday February 22, 2013   6:30-9:00pm            
Tickets $20
Includes Dinner and Cabaret afterwards (9:30pm-1:00am)                      
The Wilson Center  1150 Engle St.  Chester PA 19013   
For more info on tickets or sponsorship ad's call 610-605-2308 


  1. nice video great topic, but let's get back onbaord with that Lloyd st bridge, it's unsafe and should be looked at NOW. there opened slots of metal panels where a small child can fall through and it has become a hangout for teens, basically it's a eye soar with trash. let's get it together Chester city and Amtrak fix the problem because if this were is the folks neighborhood it wouldn't be this way....Lamont2086

    1. Amtrak already said the bridge isn't their problem. It's a bridge for Chester's convenience. And the judge agreed, for the most part.

      If the city doesn't have their portion of the money to fix it, they should find the money to barricade to prevent folks from going over it. Or, create a safe path for walking across. Or, take it down altogether.

      Plenty of Chester streets dead end at the tracks. Lloyd street can join the mix.

      Otherwise, who do you think will be responsible if someone gets hurt?
