Saturday, September 1, 2012

SURVEY RESULTS: Will you miss May's Water Ice?

79 votes

YES 64%
NO 35%

If as many people who will miss May’s Water Ice supported May’s water Ice, they might stay open. Imagine 64% of the 35,000 or so Chester folks buying a water ice and pretzels a couple times a week, or a Christmas tree come December. May’s would be thriving.

But times change. 

It seems like forever ago when they’d ride through the neighborhoods ringing the bell in those white trucks, driving many parents crazy as little ones like me would beg for a dime. But after getting ‘jacked’ more than a few times, they decided it was wise to play it safe and retire the trucks. 

In recent years, they certainly weren’t counting on me to keep them open. I may buy a water ice a couple times a year, but I do enjoy stopping at  Mays and talking to the brothers.

Kevin May was a terror in Biddy league and I was glad he was a few years ahead of me. I spent a lot of time with Fran and John May as they assisted my coaches in youth baseball and basketball. 

They shared their business struggles with me over the past few years. With the 2nd Street traffic light being replaced by a 4 lane highway, much of their business is now buzzing through town right before their eyes.

It was a good run for a small family business that nearly touched everyone in every neighborhood at one point or an other. 

Running a small family retail business is tough work. But, a business closing is not necessarily a business failure. 

Best of Luck to the Mays and thanks for the many years of great service and a great product.

1 comment:

  1. "Put mustard on it,they will eat anything."

    May's Water Ice
