Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chester Upland School settlement becomes clear

The secret settlement between the CUSD and the Department of Education is signed and is no longer a secret.

The district was advanced $9.7 million in anticipation of this agreement and all outstanding bills to vendors and charter schools are going to be paid by the state.

After all the drama and sweating, it doesn’t sound like a bad deal after all.

Still, this is no way to run a hundred-million dollar operation. 

Hopefully they’ll do better next year. 

Click HERE for more


  1. My question now is so what does the debt remain to be after this settlement and will this settlement get us through just this year and are we going to be revisiting this problem again in January for the 2013-14 year or can we get on with business no more debt to hold us back and has this settlement made it possible to look for a permanent SA hire more teachers get these class sizes down, train or teachers keep them paid, in other words does this settlement now allow the school board to finally focus on our children's education becoming the first and formost subject of the district or do our children still get short changed with the poor cirriculum and teachers not having the tools they need to give our children a competative education to the rest of Delco? Just asking...

    1. Will giving Chester Upland School District funds alleviate
      the in- fighting among the Board? No one is saying anything
      about what is happening in the classroom. There are still too many teachers holding out for retirement and not teaching. Truth be told, Special Education was out of
      compliance long before the Governor cut the funds. What
      is going to be done about this issue, which money won't
      fix? I don't hold out much hope with a Board in turmoil,
      interim superentendent resigning his position from his former employer in the middle of the year before coming to Chester, an octogenarian who has been around the block too many times was sent by Pennsylvnia Department of Education to be in charge behind the scenes and in addition to recently appointing an assistant to the Supertendent whom there was no reason given for not advertising this position and the two high schools without principals. Not a good way to start a school year.

  2. These first two comments were on point, we still have a long ways to go. I hope they don't make it a habit of "keeping things secret". I understand that it was a sensitive legal matter, but like Stefan blogged a few times, we had no idea of what was really going on.

  3. I read a report a while ago that said that said "schools do better when people complain more." So I wouldn't want anyone to see this settlement as a reason to be settled. Chris R.
