Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chester-Upland moving toward all Charter Schools

The Chester-Upland school board unanimously voted NO to a new charter school but the state’s charter appeal board unanimously voted YES.

If there was ever a sign that CUSD is moving toward an all charter format, this is it. 

Even with the millions of dollars allegedly owed by CUSD to the Chester Community Charter School from last year, I’d love to know how it makes sense to introduce another charter school in September with that issue still hanging over their head. 

This is more evidence that I don’t have a clue how these things work.

Click HERE for more on the new charter school
Click HERE to learn more about the head of the new charter school


  1. I am so excited for the new chater school for our children! Better teachers more arts and dance and Spanish class don't get any better..... Bye bye cusd

  2. I hope its moving towards successful schools...thats all.-Chris R.

  3. Well this is what the Gov and the state want here anyway....this way no over sight on what they are teaching our children....the owners of the charter schools will decide, what our children learn, there is nothing I repeat nothing wrong with Charter Schools, but there needs to be oversight. Also what would our children do for High School.

  4. Danyel, no oversight is paramount. We are in a tough spot b/c of our school district, so its hard to bargain. Charter Schools are not better alternatives to public schools, it just seems that way b/c of our current state. If the whole district was charter, aside from the finances, it would bear the same problems we have now. The only difference is we won't have any say, we'll be marching, complaining and waiting for the state to fix something we have no control over. Does any of this sound familiar?

    LARGE FUNDING CUTS FOR SOCIAL PROGRAMS-education, health care, etc--compromising the integrity and the well being of the community leaving the public vulnerable to exploitation.
    PRIVATIZATION OF STATE OWNED ENTERPRISES-socially important systems can be purchased and regulated by corporations for profit."

    We should try to keep a balance among our public and charter schools. If we came together SERIOUSLY, our school district would improve drastically I believe. Because I believe in US, nobody else does, which is why we have private owners and politicians trying to capitalize on us. Shouldn't that be enough motivation in itself?!

  5. This is so great, I believe that every other new beginning is definitely for good. All the changes already have their goals and purposes even though we are not aware of them yet.
