Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mayor John Linder urge Chester to 'Get Tested'

Hon. Mayor John Linder, Director of Public Safety, Councilman William Jacobs, Commissioner Ieasa Nichols and the Chester City Bureau of Health in collaboration with The PA Department of Health, Crozer Chester Medical Center, Keystone-Mercy, Health Partners, Crozer Keystone Community Health, ChesPenn, AIDS Care Group, Ralph Moses House and the University of Pennsylvania hosted the year’s first Screening Day at Chester City Hall. 
A combined forty-five screenings for glucose and blood pressure and eleven for HIV, were performed before citizens were welcomed to refreshments following free screenings and preventative care exams both inside City Hall, and also on the air conditioned University of Pennsylvania care unit outside the building entrance. 
Onsite testing and information were made available for stroke, diabetes, hypertension, HIV/AIDS, asthma, smoking cessation, and nutrition at no cost to recipients. 
“The message is clear and absolute”, stated Commissioner Nichols, “The most important value of life is sound health facilitated by responsible living and getting tested. The ultimate goal of the Bureau is to maintain Chester, promoting healthy living, eating, and learning for every person.” 
Healthcare personnel were on hand to provide support for those reticent to undergo testing. “In this circumstance we must not only educate but promote and support our community so that each recipient will pass the value of personal health to the next generation and each following”, conceded Mayor Linder. 
The smoking cessation portion of the program served as the initial support component of an initiative to be announced from The Chester City Department of Parks, Recreation, and Public Property. 
All City Departments by way of a unanimous Council vote, in conjunction with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems and Crozer Keystone will begin the first phase of the ‘Young Lungs at Play’ Campaign. A new ordinance has already been announced by Chester City Council which will be reiterated during the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting, Wednesday June 27th . Signs will be posted at local parks and playgrounds throughout the city requiring fifty feet between smokers and areas designated for recreation. 
Violators of this new ordinance will be subject to enforced fines by the city. State and Local Officials are expected to be onsite for the sign presentation to take place at a location and time to be announced next week. The City of Chester is the first Municipality of Delaware County to pass this ordinance.  


  1. When was this advertised? Knew about dental van around city.

    1. Don't know. It wasn't announced on The Chester City Blog. Maybe it was just for city employees.
