Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fathers are Talking in Chester

A group of fathers gathered in a room for about 90 minutes and took turns talking. There was no program, no agenda, no head table, no keynote speaker, no food, balloons, or DJ. 
The experience was so powerful that it’s difficult to describe in words. 
Most of the fathers were familiar with each other on some level. Somehow, from simply sharing our experiences as fathers, and in some cases as sons, we became familiar with each other on a totally different level.
We hung on each others every word as expressions of pride, guilt, neglect, confusion, anger, victory, and failures were openly shared among men sincerely intrigued by our journeys as fathers.
It was obvious that some guys had never shared their story and took full advantage of the time to get some things off their chest. Some men couldn’t believe how familiar his story was with the guy across the room. 
Collectively, the men sat in near amazement at how satisfying a simple conversation became among men whose common denominator is that they’re all fathers.
About the only marching orders that the organizers concluded after the session was that we have to get more fathers in the room and do it again. 


  1. Great job the males should be the back bone of the community. I would have loved to be at this event.
    Brian J. Warren

  2. And they should be its there duty...... Thats why this city is so screwed up..... Stop feeling sorry for yourselfs..... Every good father is there for there children in good community. Thats right blame everybody for your promblems???? Its the white mans fault, grow up and raise your children.......

    1. You say it's our duty, but it also takes a Mother's love. you can't always put the weight on a man's hands, we need women to teach their daughter's on how to be a lady just like we need men to teach their son's how to be a man. the problem with our city is that we have to many young parents with no guidence or morales, to many times I see young adults course their children out like they are someone in the street or be their childs friend. we neeed everyone to show each other respect because now days these young people don't give anyone respect but they expect it from everyone. I could go on and on but at the end of the day are you really listening. I wsh I was at the meeting maybe next time...Lamont2086

    2. Don't take it personal Lamont.

      Anonymous 2:26am went on a wild rant through many posts on this blog. Not many folks are reading blogs that late on a Saturday night. If spelling can give a clue, we can only assume they may have had 'a few' before connecting with the keyboard.

      But, we love comments regardless of where they come from. Unless it's spam, I usually approve them all.

  3. Sounds like a Good thing happened. Happy father's Day!

    1. Speaking on behalf of all the fellows, thanks.

  4. Yes and do it soon, maybe nextime have a professional there to give them suggestions on acheiving their goals to be good fathers and good examples....I said suggestions....Good start though!

    1. Stay posted on future Fathers are Talking. The next one will be before the end of June.

      Chances are there will be no 'professional' in the room to give professional advice. They definately have their place, but not in these sessions.
