Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Chester is Listening to small business owners

A room full of small business owners connecting with Strong Cities,  Strong Communities

This evening, Chester’s entrepreneurs and economic development organizations came together to talk about the challenges that affect the micro-business community, those that may only have 10 or fewer employees. 
The White House Strong Cities, Strong Communities representative from the Small Business Administration was in attendance to hear what small business owners had to say about doing business in Chester. 
We broke up into two groups to talk about problems and solution. We documented concerns, some of which were addressed on the spot by representatives from SC2, Chester Economic Development Authority, Entrepreneur Works of Delaware County, and the former head of Chester’s economic development department. 
Some of the main concerns coming out of the session was to identify business owners, and people interested in owning a business, to prepare and qualify for the opportunities coming to Chester. 
We learned of the many advantages to setting up businesses in Chester but also the importance of sustaining and growing those businesses with clientele from across the region, country, and world. 
For those small businesses who cater to Chester customers only, they have to survive with a demographic that’s only 40 adult, with a household income averaging under $25,000, and with a large rate of unemployment. 

Some have been surviving for years with their Chester customers but a new group of business owner is emerging that will setup their business in Chester to serve customers from around the globe. 
In either case, the small business owners gathered tonight demanded better communication from agencies that have the resources, training, and funding available for Chester based businesses. They also want clear procedures for connecting with those agencies.
The purpose of Strong Cities, Strong Communities is to help clear the ‘red-tape’ when dealing with government agencies. Giving small businesses owners the rare opportunity to have these one-on-one conversations with the people that can make things happen went over very well with everyone in attendance tonight. 

Stay tuned for more from this group.

1 comment:

  1. even though i don't live in chester at the present time, i was born & raised in chester, graduated from chester high & worked in chester for 28 years. this is the first time in many years that i have a positive feeling for the business community..............
