Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chester Housing Authority Sustainability

Jesse Marshall presented certificates to the most dedicated
children who work the Bennett Homes community garden

Dr. April M.W. Young recognizes a couple residents who
benefited from the fitness and healthy cooking program

Those of us not associated with the Chester Housing Authority as a resident, staff member, or supporter rarely see anything more than their physical houses that dot Chester’s landscape. 
We can’t help but to notice the drastic improvement in public housing over the past 15 years as each development has been either rebuilt or renovated which helps improve the visual image of Chester.
Today, I was asked to attend the Chester Housing Authority Sustainability Committee meeting at the Booker T. Washington Community Center in the old Lamokin Village. It was my first glimpse of what lengths CHA goes to improve the lives of the people who live in their housing.
Dr. April Young said it best when she mentioned that CHA is no longer following a charity model as the programs available for CHA residents are groundbreaking efforts of what housing authorities around the country are striving for.
Many of the programs were reported on by participants and staff: fitness classes, computer classes, community gardens, day care centers, technology programs, father initiatives, and more. Several people spoke on behalf of local politicians, college representatives, and social agencies offering their support or simply acknowledging the success of programs already in place.
Honestly, I didn’t know what ‘sustainability’ meant with regard the CHA. Now I realize it’s one of the best efforts of its kind in the country. 

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