Monday, April 23, 2012

SURVEY RESULTS: Are we afraid to have a Mother’s Day Parade again this year?

66 votes
NO: 56%
YES: 43%
A little more than half of you are not afraid to have a Mother’s Day Parade. Yet, a significant number of you fear a Mother’s Day Massacre. 
Anyone know if there will be a parade or not?


  1. afraid...of what ?? fear a mother's day massacre fear who???

  2. I think people forget that during the last several parades there was a lot of shots fired and kids fighting. A bullet has no name and that's what some people are scared of. I love my city but let's call a spade a spade it's still Chester.

    1. I think most people didn't know about shots and fights during the last several parades. Or I could just be speaking only for myself.

      The parade is 3 blocks long and starts and ends with police. Chester must have some brazen spades.
