Thursday, March 8, 2012

SURVEY RESULTS: What is a nuisance establishment?

47 voters
136 votes (2.89 votes per person)
Violence Outside 89%
Violence Inside 70%
Selling paraphernalia 65%
Open after 2am 42%
All Bars 14%
Youth Friendly Businesses 6%
According to you, the biggest nuisance establishment has violence outside of their business...the parking lot, sidewalk, nearest mailbox, front lawn, back stoop, closest street corner or intersection. I’m not sure how it’s defined.
Second place goes to establishments that have violence inside their business and those that sell drug paraphernalia.
Third place goes to anyone who stays open after 2am.
Based on these votes, bars may be some of the friendliest places to hangout in the city. We should certainly promote our hospitality industry more. 
Hardly anyone considers youth friendly businesses a nuisance, but hardly anyone can name a youth friendly business in Chester. Can you?


  1. Yes, The boys and girls club!!!! Although recreation, it is still a business.

  2. That's a good one. Let's see if we can get to 10.
