Monday, October 3, 2011

Local Needle Works Group Wins at State Fairs

Chester, PA — September 30 —Needle Works in Chester (NWIC) is a free crochet class that has been offered at the J. Lewis Crozer Library since 2005.
Led by Naomi Jay, the group meets in the library Community Room each Monday evening from 6:00-8:00p.m. and always welcomes new members. Recently, several members made their first entries into two fairs. 
In July, Cathy Draughon, Naomi Jay, Linda Saldana, and teen Amanda Saldana entered items in the Delaware State Fair in Harrington, Delaware. Each of the ladies won several ribbons and cash prizes. 
Naomi Jay, Amanda Saldana, and Linda Saldana also entered the Allentown Fair in August; again, each lady took home at least one ribbon. The ladies entered their handmade needlework items, including: potholders, tote bags, prayer shawls, lap robes, caps, and scarves as well as necklace and bracelet beadwork. 
Congratulations on all of your hard work, NWIC!

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