Sunday, September 18, 2011

More Negative News from the Daily Times?

On my way to the check-out counter at Sam & Sam Meats, I saw the Sunday Delaware County Daily Times front page -- ‘Chester Celebrates Unity Day’.
I’m not sure if the Chester community considers this is a positive or negative story.
It’s no secret that many Chester readers contend that the Daily Times only prints the bad things that go on in Chester. But, they buy the paper in record numbers everyday to read about those bad things.
When Dr. Delores Wright had her Chester High class count good and bad stories last year, they found that there were more good ones printed than bad. Who would of thought?
The good versus bad concept was brought up in a meeting of Chester business owners when a city official told the crowd that they brought the Chester Spirit paper to town because the Daily Times only prints bad news and never prints the good things that go on in Chester (and for those businesses to support the Chester Spirit for that reason alone).
To me, it’s simple. The Daily Times’ job is to report crime. If Chester had no crime there would be less bad stories. The Daily Times also reports on community events. If you have a event you want them to cover, you get in touch with them several weeks in advance and let them know why it’s important for them to cover it.
Too often, if we do contact them, it’s at the last minute. They have such a small staff that  they just can’t guarantee coverage. 
However, if you send them a story, editorial, or photo with caption of your event, they’ll try to fit it in when they can. You can do the same with the Chester Spirit, Scoop, and the new Overtown Express if you really want to see your event in print. 
If you think the ‘Chester Celebrates Unity Day’ is a positive story because it shows the Chester community coming together for a cause, call or write the Daily Times and tell them you appreciate that type of coverage.
If you think the ‘Chester Celebrates Unity Day’ is a negative story because it reminds readers about the violence that occurs in Chester, call or write the Daily Times and tell them that you don’t appreciate that type of coverage. 
Either way, call or write. 

Click HERE to read the article


  1. It was a positive story so I don't know why you came up with this negative stuff. If you ask the unity organizer, they would say it was positive. At least somebody covered their story.

  2. I believe you are correct the Daily Times has publish more positive articles than negative, but lets dig a little deeper. How many of the positive articles had HUGE BOLD HEADLINES compared to the NEGATIVE ARTICLES? The press can shape a person view of a person or place and the Daily Times has done that, I understand you feel some type of way because certain people backed the Chester Spirit and not your paper but lets not let the Daily Times off of the hook for the way the show the City of Chester to the Delaware County.
    Stefan, I have called, followed procedure and called sound off THEY PRINT WHAT THEY WANT TO PRINT. The will always have that excuse we do not have a lot people to cover everything, but they are at every vigil, every shooting and its next day HEADLINES.

  3. When you are in the business of selling papers, bad news sells. On slow bad-news days, the good news gets sprinkled in. That's the formula and nothing is going to change that.

    When a paper doesn't have a payroll and can gather enough advertisers to circulate it for free, it can have all the good news that's fit to print. I did that for 4 years with the Chester Spotlight.

    I never looked to the City for any resources to support my paper. In contrast, my paper was to support the City and give them an outlet to communicate to the people of Chester. The fact that they'd rather bring an outsider to Chester to start a paper in order to get their stuff out is their issue, not mine. I'm still here with a huge readership if they want to use me.

    If you want to see good news stories, stop looking in the Daily Times. That's not their business model. But when you do see a good story in the Daily Times, pick up the phone and tell them thanks. They didn't have to do it.

  4. I was only commenting on what you stated about positive articles or negative articles. Please understand i believe every shooting or bad thing that happens is not always news just the same with good thing but there must be a balance.
    Now if they rely on negative stories to sell paper shame on them and I will never support that nor will i ever call or write the Daily Times when they print something positive about the City of Chester.
    I am just shaking my head at your last paragraph are you kidding me? You accept that? If that's there model then they should be in the same section as the The Star or The National. Crazy

  5. I wasn't just speaking of the Daily Times when I suggested that bad news sells. That's the formula for all newspapers. If it bleeds it leads. Of course, that's not always the case but neither is there a case to maintain a balance of good and bad news.

    People will pass right by the story about the puppy that gets adopted to read about the puppy that got killed in a dog fighting ring. And the dog fighting ring will be in the paper for weeks.

  6. Congratulations on the book and now audio version. I am an avid reader of your blog. I often have little time to read but always listen to books while cruising in Chester City. This is a great addition to the work you are doing. Just began listening.
