Thursday, August 11, 2011

Smedley Allied Health merging with Showalter Science and Discovery?

The Chester Spirit’s web site brings us another budget cut decision by the Chester-Upland School District.
They will be re-merging the newly named Smedley and Showalter schools, this time into the  Showalter building. 
A lot of work went into refurbishing Smedley just a couple years ago into an Allied Health school. They say they’re moving it all to Science and Discovery.
There was no mention of Crozer Hospital’s involvement with the Allied Health program. Are they still involved?
Click HERE for more 


  1. This is BS major BS, I was told by Dr. J. Wells that neither school was closing back in June... I was at the so called meeting this month to try and bend us over so we can take it...I mean inform us of what was coming this year...a month before school starts....anyway my son wants to try and make a go of it, but Gov. Corbett is going to get his wish once this mess fails....I'm going to end up home schooling my son. It's a shame they do this to our children and not enough parents come out at once before things get this bad to make a difference.

  2. Home schooling is a good option since you may not want him competing for attention with the other 40 kids in a classroom.

  3. @Anonymous 10:40pm My concern is not so much competing for the attention of the teacher with 40 other students it's the fact that the Teacher won't be able to affectively teach a class of 40 students, it is such a shame our children have to suffer like this.
