Saturday, August 6, 2011

The City is going Crazy

Not a good night in Chester.
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  1. Details, Newsman. Details.

  2. Yes it is. Anonymous the details are in the real paper, if you can call the times that.

  3. Sorry. Im not a reporter. But I hear a cop shot a teen who had a starter pistol which caused a ruckus at Crozer hospital and cries of revenge. Later, a murder on 7th and Lloyd.

  4. Geez... I guess our break from the violence was short lived.

    Why carry a starter pistol around is my question...?

  5. A starter pistol????
    Why carry a gun if you are not licensed in the first place??
    A murder on 7th and Lloyd, I didn't see anything in the paper about that one.
    I must agree with Anonymous I guess our break was short lived if the 7th and Lloyd murder is true, the one involving the police, I'm waiting til the rest of that story comes out, I have heard so many stories already about what "really happened".
    The only way out of the consistant violent crime is EDUCATION and leaders with their eyes on the prize EDUCATION and COMMUNITY INVOLVMENT AND SAFETY citizens and police and community leaders all working together.

  6. I read after my post about the 37yr old man who was killed on 7th and Lloyd, my heart goes out to all the families invovled in the violence this year on bth sides, because the victims and the perputrators families, they both have a lot to deal with. Hey Stefan do you read the comments at the end of the articles? interesting to see how everyone thinks of our small city.

  7. I assume you are referring to the comments on the Chester articles on Yes, I occassionaly read them but I don't make a habit of it. It seems to be the same people saying the same things over and over for the purpose of sucking in resonable Chester responses. Once they get them, the responses get even more absurd. Thankfully, those folks leave their comments on and don't share them here.

  8. Persons on the sidelines have no idea have fast things happen. One looking a gun barrel has no time to determine if it's a starter pistol, BB gun, or real. As a retired police officer, I can only suggest that it makes no since to pull out any kind of weapon on another person, especially someone who is trained how to shoot. My prayer go out to the family of the young man, as well at the officer involve, who will live with this for the rest of his life. He started his days work with the hope of preventing crime, not shooting anyone. We should teach our youth that gun play is not an option to succeed in the real world, it only leads to "Boot Hill".

  9. Well said Joe.

    Unless you are going to the track...fill in the blanks.
