Sunday, July 3, 2011

SURVEY RESULTS: How old are you?

Under 21:    0%
21-35:         23%
36-50:         45%
Over 50:     31%
Thanks to this poll, I can finally discover how old you are. 
I’ve always told folks that my readers had an average age of 45 and the majority of them are female. It was only a hunch, but it looks like I may have been close.
It’s great to see that 1-in-3 of you are over 50. By contrast, the crowd we all think are so computer savvy, the under 21 crowd, don’t check in at all.
This proves that blogs are not about the technology, but about the content. 
Some believe that newspapers will all go out of business because young people are getting their news from the internet.
If this survey is any indication, the real deal is that the folks who do the reading are using the internet and it isn’t necessarily the young people. 
If news is moving to the internet, than let’s cater to the older reader. Right?

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