Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Public Drinking is a Problem. Duh!

Occasionally, I sit in on Chester district court hearings, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for a young lady who was arrested for public drinking around midnight one evening near 2nd and Highland. 
It appears she may have had a few too many before the police saw her according to some of the things they say she said to them. 
Yet, I believe they may have given her a break if she would have tossed the beer as they initially asked. But her mouth became her downfall. Stupid her.
At 4pm today, on my drive home from work, I saw about a dozen men parked on a church lawn drinking beer. There’s a very good chance that they will be joined by many more groups of drinkers over the next few hours within a 3/4 mile radius from where they were set up.
Without a doubt, hundreds of them will walk the streets with their beer in hand, right in front of a number of police officers who are there to protect them.
Yes, the Philadelphia Union soccer team has a home game tonight, so all you drinkers are free to congregate anywhere within a few blocks of the stadium and drink to your heart’s content for the next 6 hours or so. 
Around 11pm, the rules will change back to what we’re accustomed to, so make sure you’re back in the house or inside a bar before then.
City officials say that game-day tailgating isn’t a problem. If you have a problem with it, just call the police and they’ll check it out.
Honestly, I’ve been known to hang out at some incredible tailgates in my day, so I do understand the pre-game ritual from experience.
However, in a city like Chester, I’d much rather there be designated tailgate locations as opposed to allowing visitors to set up shop anywhere they like, then be allowed to walk the streets with their open containers to the stadium. 
My suggestion would be to clear off a section on the river side of Rt 291 for all tailgate activity. They’d be close to the stadium, out of sight from most residents, and off the church lots. 
If only that young lady was drinking on game day on 2nd and Highland. She would have probably been considered a tailgater. 


  1. Thank you for this information. From this day forward I'm hoping that the church officials in proximity to the stadium watch out for these disrespectful persons. This should not happen again!!!

  2. People have been complaining about this going on and how some of the people gong to the game litter in our City. Sure glad to know that we have a source that can verify what people have been saying about what has been going on in the City on soccer game days. Hopefully, these problems will soon go away and these people will respect our City a little more than they do..

  3. I just find it insulting to the residents of this city myself included, that so much man power and laws are being re-directed to "protect" the spectators of the stadium. We live hear every day and we don't get this much protection, not to mention have the police open the traffic boxes and control traffic for these out of towners... Which is contradictory to what we citizen are being told day in and day out. That the city officials and police are dooing everything they can to keep us safe. But my real question is Who are they really protecting these spectators from? Having to see the people that actually live here? When I go to Philly for any event they sure don't pull the police out to control traffic and protect me from the people in philly, I follow the same trafffic as the rest of the citizens.
