Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's Hotter Than July - Part 2

I really thought 105 degrees was hot until I found myself in South Philly driving to the Phillies game Friday night.
When I left the house, the external temperature (EXT TEMP from the photo above) on the car thermometer was 103. Slowly, it climbed to 104, 105, 106...all of which I had seen earlier in the day. 
107, 108, 109...okay, I know I’ve seen it all now.
110, 111, this is crazy.
113...I couldn’t take the picture fast enough before it dipped back down to a cool 112. 
It was 110 in the Citizen’s Bank parking lot during our makeshift tailgate. I watched the first 5 innings in McFadden’s before taking my seat in the stadium after the sun went down. 
Stevie Wonder’s 19th album, Hotter Than July, has set a new standard. 

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