Saturday, July 30, 2011

Electricians are cutting grass?

I was told that the Chester-Upland school district has laid off the grounds crew responsible for cutting the grass.
The custodians, painters, & electricians, have been cutting the grass.
With the big rush to get the schools ready for September, taking these guys away from their jobs to cut grass seems unfair.
But, when you’re operating with $18 million less dollars, I imagine that teachers may be asked to clean bathrooms. 
When they’re still giving out raises to some and laying off others, who knows what’s fair anymore?


  1. Where are the TEAMSTERS!!!!!

  2. They should look into getting OZLO Enterprises to do the grass cutting. Best around from what I hear!

  3. OZLO Enterprise, I think they should definitely consider that. It may be time to outsource. :)
