Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Daily Times host Twitter vs Facebook

On June 30, I attended a presentation at the Daily Times offices featuring the Journal Register’s new social media guy, Steve Buttry.
Steve’s new position is to get the family of Journal Register papers, of which the Daily Times is one of their largest, to improve their presence on the Internet.
His presentation was directed to the news room personnel to find how they are presently using social media in their news gathering efforts and to offer some suggestions how to best use programs like Twitter and Facebook for news gathering.
It appeared that only a few of us were big Twitter users while most of the room were more familiar with Facebook.
Steve’s presentation mostly focused on Twitter’s prowess for being unequaled in delivering breaking news and the value of its robust search engine. 
In a nutshell, Steve positions Twitter as a tool to learn about events, and Facebook is the tool to learn about people.
Even President Obama staged a nationwide Twitter TownHall Meeting yesterday, not a Facebook TownHall. He’s a rather smart guy so I trust that he knows a thing or two about the power of social media.
I wish there were more Chester folks using Twitter. 
While I was at work this past weekend, I searched for Tweets and Twitpics of the 4th of July Events around town and came up empty. 
I know Chester has a huge Facebook audience, but we need to ramp up our Twitter skills, too.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming, Stefan, and for blogging about the workshop. It was good to meet you. I wish we had had more time to talk (I had to make a call shortly after the workshop relating to my mother's care).
