Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Welfare Drug Testing in Florida

Anyone seeking state welfare assistance would have to submit to and pay for a drug test, with the costs reimbursed if the applicant passes.
The insinuation, of course, is that being poor is somehow synonymous with lawlessness and moral weakness, as if people in need of financial assistance are inherently susceptible to drug use and addiction. They're poor; therefore, they must be out boozing and drugging, the prejudicial thinking seems to go.
Would this concept fly in Chester?
Click HERE for more


  1. I don't know about that but I may need a test after coming to this site. It is junkie. So much going on. It's like going to someone's house with a bunch of nicknacks in the living room or plants cluttering up the porch. You bump into things or get dizzy or sick from looking at all the junk. Too much going on man! Sensory over kill!

  2. Wow. I'll take that as a compliment. It is busy now, but I'd rather be busy than boring. Thanks for checking in and ur comment.

  3. Sorry, you shouldn't, no compliment. Didn't say anything about busy, only sick and dizzy. No, you are still boring.

  4. Oh well. Boring must have brought you here. I'll do better with ur help.

  5. I don't see a problem with the drug testing. All the background checks and urine samples I've given up for jobs and still possible random tests. If I have to keep my nose clean, no pun intended, people on welfare should too. I don't agree with having applicants pay for the test. If they are in poverty how can they afford a drug test.

  6. Stefan, I'm feeling you on your comments to Anonymous because if C-City Blog is so boring why even bother to log onto. I'm sure you are not being forced. It's as simple as this, "You Don't Like What You Read, Then Don't Read It." I'm sure there are others like me that get a joy from being able to log on and see whats exactly going on in the City I live In. Stefan keep doing what you do......

  7. In my opinion that just might work and give soe of these folks in Chester sitting home on thier able bodied behinds a reason to wanna get up and get moving. From my understanding there are alot of people that are receiving welfare in the Ciy Of Chester just ask alot of the business owners their opinions but weho am I to say besides a single mother who gets up and go to work each and evryday even when I'm sick Chester ought to give it a try and see how much money can be put to other use...

  8. MYOB!!! Just having fun with Stefan. He wouldn't have post it if he didn't think so.

  9. There is no presumption of crime. Unfrtunately, manydrug addicts and alcoholics suck up taxpayer's money and continue their bad habit
