Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chester City Council Propose PAY CUTS

Chester, PA -- City Council will propose an ordinance at tomorrow’s evening council meeting that would decrease Mayor and Council’s salaries. With the understandings that the city is not immune to ongoing difficult nationwide economic conditions, members of council believe pay cuts will help the city to continue lowering the tax burden on its residents while maintaining or improving services.  
According to the proposal, the ordinance would decrease the Mayor’s salary by 10% and Council salaries by 12.5%.  Sponsored by Councilman Shepard Garner, Director of Accounts and Finance, the proposal is part of the city’s bigger picture for financial stability and sovereignty from the Act 47 financially distressed plan that the city is currently under. 
As an accountant by profession, Councilman Garner wants to continue to maintain a balance budget for the city and keep cost low without any interruption or elimination of city services. “Costs are consistently rising with healthcare, union contracts, trash collection, supplies and other services offered to the community,” said Councilman Garner. “At a time when many cities are in a major struggle to make ends meet, the City of Chester not only cut taxes this year, but also enhanced critical services and invested in the future with dedicated funds for vital capital improvements.”
Earlier this year, City Council requested that members of the city’s three collective bargaining units offer concessions to help with the financially challenging times.  Councilman Garner believes that this should start with elected officials reducing their salaries to show a good faith effort and strong leadership for city employees.  
Currently, each member of Council serves in the dual capacity of managing a city department and setting policy for the city. Mayor and Council positions are part-time with a salary of $46,000 for the Mayor and $40,000 for members of City Council.  

1 comment:

  1. I just left another comment in a related article because I did not see this article.

    The mayor is only paid $46,000??? Lol!!!!!! Omg.

    My ex-boyfriend used to be manager of a KFC and he made more than that.

    That's ashamed. And he's part time.

    Well, I guess that now we know part of the reason why this city is the way it is. Wow.

