Sunday, April 24, 2011

SURVEY RESLUTS: Is the NAACP doing anything significant in Chester besides their annual banquet?

NO: 71% (46 votes)
YES: 28% (18 votes)

Those results speak for themselves. 

For the 18 folks who voted YES, please share a comment on what the NAACP is doing around Chester. 

Obviously, a lot of people are not aware.

Is there anything the NAACP can be doing to make us more aware?


  1. Those results may or may not speak for themselves. I hope the NAACP will speak up for themselves. All I know is that last weekend they recognized young people and adults who are making a difference in our community.

  2. We all agree the banquet is a nice event.

    The landslide vote says 7 out of 10 people need to know what the NAACP does in Chester besides an annual banquet. That speaks volumes.

    If the NAACP does not respond, maybe the 18 people who voted 'yes' will. They obviously know something most others don't.

    The community would likey rally around the NAACP if they knew more. Chester needs what they can bring.

    How can we make that happen?

  3. I vote for Brian Warren to run the NAACP he seems to be doing a good job for the city.

  4. I think the silence of the NAACP on the budget cuts facing Chester school district speaks volumes about how much they are willing to do for our community. Where are protests? Where Is the organizing?

  5. Although I don't live in this particular community, I am convinced that the NAACP aren't playing a significant role in the community. Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention.
