Thursday, April 7, 2011

Out-of-School Time presented by Chester Youth Collaborative

I recently read a newsletter from Chester Youth Collaborative that discussed the issues young people face during the 3pm to 6pm time when they tend to be unsupervised and most likely to participate in risky behavior. The greatest risk is with the 12 year old and older youth.
The newsletter offered a variety of statistics and options to address this issue.
What was missing, and something I have wondered for years, is why does Chester High School start so early in the morning?
It seems logical to move the start time to a later hour so the dismissal time isn’t early afternoon (2:30ish p.m.), thus, keeping students in school for at least a portion of the 3-6pm time period.
Does anyone know why school starts so early? Can anyone provide a few good reasons why it can’t start later?


  1. Busing issue, once the buses are done delivering students at the high, they have to pick up middle or elementry. Time has to be staggered for pick ups. It's been like this for years now. All school districts do this. Stop blaming Chester High for everything. Chester High did not start this process. Chester High have after school programs, all students need to do is attend.

  2. Only someone named Anonymous would say that I blame Chester High. Why not blame Chester Youth Colaborative, too, for bringing up the issue?

    I am not blaming. I simply suggested a later starting time.

    Maybe we should consider having the elementary schools start earlier and the high school start later as they do in many other school districts. I would assume after school programs would appeal more to elementary students than high schoolers.

    Bus schedules is an easy fix. Any other reasons?
