Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chester's Crozer Library in Distress?

I found this video somewhat bizarre. What do you think?

Click HERE to view the video -- lacking details

Click HERE to read the article --- providing details


  1. What is so bizarre about it? They are asking for donations. Aren't they entitled to do so in this economy? I recall the video said they were facing cuts from the State. Cuts are expected from the Republican Governor who was elected by the people in PA, look at the plans for education.

  2. Maybe bizarre is the wrong word. It works as a newspaper video, not as a fundraising video.

    I did not realize there was a Daily Times article on this topic until after I saw the video. Standing alone, the video is lacking details on the economic situation facing the library. Nothing convinced me the library is in distress. Only the graphic at the end lets me know they are seeking donation.

    I assume the assistant director was put on the spot and didn’t have a chance to prepare remarks for this video.

    To add a lending hand, I will contact the library director this week and offer to help them put together a true donation video to feature on this blog. Stay tuned.

    By the way, there was mention of a referendum in the video, but there were no details.

    I understand there may be a ‘question’ on the primary ballot on May 17 asking you to approve a tax increase to help finance the library. I hear the increase will cost you about 50 cents a week.

  3. Thanks for this, Stefan.

    I didn't even realize that the library was having an event. For this to be such a small city, they sure do have a major problem with communicating stuff like this...when some thing bad happens here the world knows, when something good happens, no one knows.

    Anyway, I'll be happy to give 50 cents to the library. I may even make a substantial donation.

    It would be nice to have gotten an email or something about this event. I mean, I am a member of the library. sheesh.

  4. I do not think there was an event to announce.

    Sorry, I did not see there was an article until after I commented on the video.

    I have added the link to the article in the post that accompanied the video which provides the details I was looking for. The video on its own does not tell the story I think the library folks wanted to get out.
