Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cuts at Chester-Upland Highest in $tate

Chester-Upland in Delaware County has the highest proposed cut at $2,633 per student.
(How 'bout a parade to Harrisburg?)
Click HERE for more


  1. Stop the double talk out of two sides of your mouth. All school districts are experiencing cuts. Yes they had a small celebration for the Clippers winning State. You didn't seem to mind video taping it.

    You lead the charge to Harrisburg and then we will follow, okay.

  2. Cool with me if you are okay with having the highest drop out rate, lowest acheivement rate, highest cut in school funding, and the best baskball team.

    As they say on Sesame Street...One of these things don't belong together.

    If I had a bigger mouth Id talk out of 3 sides.

  3. I say let's do it, we need the money to improve this district for our students....Let's start by having parents come in and advocate for their children, I do it for mine..but me and the 10 other parents at S&D can't do it all...let's spend money on training and re-training our teachers and adminstrators, and put more mney into improving the education the children are getting so they can compete in the county and the country. The best Basketball Team is good, but 25000 children can't all be on the basketball team. Stefan get the call out let's get the rally going...OH WAIT WHERE IS THADDEUS! SHOULDN'T HE BE FIGHTING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED HIM BACK IN FOR AN 18TH YEAR?!?!?!?!?

  4. Well, since you are an A-hole you may want to consider using that for third part. Everyone would like to have a well rounded school district here not just basketball.

  5. This is egregious. We are being cut because the Republicans in power assume we do not/cannot/will not push back against legislative decisions that harm our children and our community. Prove them wrong and contact our representatives!!!!

  6. Will $2000 less per student affect academics, sports, staff, extra curricula, facilities? Does anyone know? Something's gotta go. Follow the money and you'll discover the priorities. What should the priorities be? Anyone care to share?

  7. To Danyel. Not sure how much influence St Rep Kirkland will have in a republican controlled Harrisburg. But, there are a lot of republicans around here who could lead the charge. Elections are coming up. This issue better be on someones platform.

  8. Maybe the district should stop shelling out money for "high schools" that have only 55 11th graders! Why should Smedley Allied Health High School pay for all those teachers, school heating and electric bills, when classes are sometimes only 8 students? They really aren't getting the education they are supposed to be getting. In fact, the 9th grade Algebra class has been without a certified or qualified teacher for over a month now and probably won't have one for the rest of the year. Guess what....students are teaching themselves using a computer program and an unqualified and non-certified teacher!

  9. Chester can rebuild all the way around first must work on the killing, the drugs and than I think people would move back, those who live their like mysaelf it is sad we try so hard. But it takes more people to get out and help. How do we even deal with that? Lookinf for an answer?
