Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March Madness Exploits Black Athletes?

...the hypocrisy of the NCAA is unsettling. During the Fab Five's tenure, Michigan earned over $10 million from merchandising while the players received no compensation from shirts, jerseys, shoes and socks that they were promoting while on the basketball court.

Should college athletes be paid for their services? I see a lot of white athletes playing college ball and always wondered why they never seem to be included in this argument. 
Is it a crime for a school to make money on their successful athletic program? No one ever argues that grad students are being exploited for doing research that may garner a university millions of dollars. 
I don't buy the 'athlete should be paid' argument. In fact, the guys I went to college with were so pampered that money wasn't an issue as long as they stayed within the team and university confines. 
Obviously, there are players from poor families that could use some help, but getting an education with a chance to play pro basketball is the tradeoff they make over skipping college and getting a job to support their situation. 
I don't have a lot of sympathy for the college athlete. They get a whole like more from the university than the grad student slaving in the physics lab to earn the university it's next patent. 
And he has to buy his own sneakers. 

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