Wednesday, February 23, 2011

YesgodTV: Chester Playoffs Game 2


  1. Thank God we can't view this here. It is blocked. I'm all about C-Pride but can we clean it up a little. I don't think we need to curse to get our point across. Let's celebrate in style!!!

  2. You are the first person to complain about the YesgodTV videos. Do you prefer my sports videos or there's?

    I hope you've directed your comments to them.

  3. I like YesGod TV videos. But I prefer your videos on your own blog. Come back out to the games and stop taking short cuts. I like your videos too. You do a good job with them, especially that last one with the DUNK!!! Good commentary!!! Go back to what I want to see and read on this blog.

  4. Wow. Thanks.

    Honestly, I am as lazy as they come. Video is not my thing but with this blog, I have tought myself how to do the most basic short videos. Having an Apple makes the process far more easy than my earlier attempts with a PC.

    I have been to games without the cameras. When I video, I can't enjoy the game. I like being entertained by the squad like everyone else.

    I post the Yesgod videos because it is a Chester product. I think they do great work, although it is geared to the more vile younger element in our community.

    Where my videos are barely watched by dozens, Yesgod is watched by hundreds.

    I've been on their YouTube channel and watched a number of their videos. I'm shocked at some of the stuff they capture on camera but it also gives a raw look at what our young folks are up to.

    My only wish is that they'd change their name. Yesgod is almost blasphemous when you match the name to the content of some of their videos.

  5. Yes, I know. Their videos present a double edged sword. You like it but it is very rough around the edges.
