Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why the Huffington Post's Global Black Section Won't Work

Last month, the Huffington Post announced that it will be launching a new section of its website for African Americans called: The Huffington Post Global Black. This move is no surprise, considering how other news organizations have already expanded into this arena, including The Washington Post that already has “The Root” and NBC that has “The Grio.” Further, BET founder Sheila Johnson, who is partnering with Ariana Huffington on the project, had these positive comments to offer:

Click HERE for more


  1. I see things like this and I always wonder why people continue to subscribe to this "separate but equal" mindset that only continues to keep us from becoming a better society. Yes I've heard all the complaints and arguments that we don't have enough representation in the media and entertainment but if you always believe you need a special category to feel like you belong then get it, then there will never be inclusion into the mainstream because the thought is that you are satisfied because you have what you want. It's our self-created catch 22.

    We need to stop creating so many divisions by believing that we need our own to feel valued.

  2. I hear you. But you must also consider that very few black journalist are being hired by the mainstream press regardless of what they write on. There are great black writers that do sports, business, and general news. Many black journalist would rather not write on just black issues.

    Creating more black outlets that succeed creates more opportuntites for a black journalist to work.

    Call the Daily Times and ask how many paid black journalist are on their staff. You'll find that it represents far less than the population that buys and reads its paper. Their number is 610.622.8810.

    In this age of shrinking news rooms, blacks representation is taking a huge hit in terms of jobs.
