Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Holy Family Ordeal Proves the Wussification of America

So, the coach pushed his player down in practice and the player hires a lawyer. Somebody tell me this isn’t real.
I wake up to Good Morning America and watch in horror as George Stephanopoulos crucifies the coach on national television with mommy and the lawyer sitting near. Somebody tell me this isn’t real.
There must be something wrong with me because all I wanted to do at this point was twitch my nose like Bewitched and instantly appear in that studio so I could push that 6’5” sorry excuse of a basketball player to the ground myself.
But later the next day, my hero came riding to the rescue on his black stallion. Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams cleared the coach of all charges stating that the incident "does not constitute a prosecutable criminal offense." Seth, I just added you to my Christmas card list.
College basketball is a brutal sports. Did anyone watch Chester’s Nasir Robinson get manhandled by Villanova a couple weeks ago? Thank god, he didn’t call Clinton Johnson or Jacoby and Myers.
A couple nights ago, I watched Marquette vs Connecticut followed by West Virginia vs Pittsburgh. That was nothing short of two prize fights. I flipped to the Miami Heat vs Chicago Bulls games and it was so uneventful, I left LeBron and Derrick Rose right there and switched back to the Beasts of the Big East. 
I’m just glad the Holy Family coach wasn’t a black man. Chances are he’d be in jail right now and Seth Williams would have caught hell if he dropped charges. Do you agree?
I was going to write more, but I found this article that says everything else that I wanted to say. So, being lazy, please read the link.
(By the way, at a Chester High home game last month, I saw a grandmom walk down the bleachers to her ‘baby’ sitting on the bench during the game (it wasn’t even during a timeout) and tend to his hurt knee. Chester’s coach just shook his head and me and the guy I was sitting with were flabbergasted. Momma’s of the world, don’t let your kids play sports if you can’t give up your parental rights to a coach when he’s on his time.
Please click HERE for more

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr. Roots: You're funny; but, on point today! Have a great day!!!
